these organs have been bartered
endlessly, going from hand to hand
to mout and lingering teeth-
this body, broken more times than bone
that resides within, each time
a different person's communion.

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fallen from the heavens, a gift for all humanity- yet blinded by hubris and greed. the gods and goddesses will grieve the death of icarus, the one who flew too close to the sun for a love that is uncertain and unpromised.but he was given another chance to find love in the most unexpected of places.

human name: choi minjunᅠalias: icarus"he who was scorned by love."he exists for: his sweet feline, persephone. libraries. rain. art. poetry. subtle touches. stolen glances. cold pillows. autumn. the moon. flowers. classical music. the smell of petrichor. polaroids. the sounds of the sea. love letters.he will walk away from: unnecessary loud people. crowds. conflicts, unauthenticity. injustice. summer. immaturity. irresponsibly. dishonesty. great books with bad endings. indecisive. plagiarists.


when icarus was born, he was showered with love and joy by all god and goddesses, as he possessed the most beautiful smile. he was adorned wherever he went, may that be in the heavens above or walking around the land of the living people.that was when we found himself looking up at atlas, the sun. mesmerised by it's glorious rays, embracing around his skin just how his mother used to coddle him.he was repeatedly not to go near atlas, for he will be scorch forever, his wings engulfed in flames. but for icarus, it was worth the love.and so he flew closer and closer, hand reaching out to his lover, only to be burned from his skin and wings, falling from the sky.but when his mother took pity on her only child, she took his ashes and was reborn as a human walking on earth.


as he was raised by a respectful and beautiful woman, minjun was taught to be more gentle with others, mindful of his words and actions whenever he converses with anyone. he speaks like poetry is coming our of his mouth. he will not raise his voice nor get annoyed at the slightest bit whenever someone tries to test him. he is also very sensitive to other people's emotions, an empath.he loves giving gifts to his close friends and those he consider as family such as flowers, letters, books, or simple things that just remind him of them. he is also big in giving his friends reassurances.of course, he has his downsides. such as being a pushover and letting people use him for their own gain. he can also be quite a a people pleaser when people ask him of things.

Name: Ares Yves St. Clair
Korean Name: Choi Minjun ( 최민준 )
Writer's Tag: Icarus
Birthday: 6th of April, 1997
Age: 27
Zodiac Sign: Aries sun, Pisces moon, Taurus mercury, Pisces rising
Occupation: Freelance photographer, fulltime cafe owner and flower shop, part time writer
Relationship Status: Multiship
Languages Spoken: English, French, Korean, Japanese


when minjun was a little boy, he was raised by a single woman. she showered him full of love and support all throughout his life. maybe she was a gift from the gods or she was just fond of the little child, but whichever it may be, it just made minjun his teenage years, he found himself in the hospital with his mother who was sick. "go, and live your life," was her dying wish before she takes her last breath as minjun holds her in his late 20s, he opened up his own cafe shop that is full of books. he finds himself quite too busy with his life, but with his little black feline friend named persephone, it's all good. he is already fulfilled whenever people come to his cafe.there is something inside him that yearns, whether that is love or happines, he doesn't know- remnants of his past life.


the character is not, in any way, connected to kim mingyu of seventeen or to any face that is being used by this muse. everything posted is a product of the writer's imagination. in case a misunderstanding arises, do not hesitate to send a direct message the account. reposting, making a copy, or publishing of any written work by the author in any platform or kind is prohibited.


as the name suggests, please address the writer as lucien with pronouns the he / they. the writer is busy with work and will be sporadic when it comes to dms.the writer is open for friendships outside of roleplay, only if the muses share a very heavy chemistry with one another. the writer is also not open to romantic relationships.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

for those who would like to have an established relationship with the muse, don't hesitate to reach out or message us in our dms. the writer would love to brainstorm with you.i will also place a table wherein you can choose what established relationship you would like with minjun. or if you have a specific pre-est in mind, i would love to hear about it, just message me directly and let's discuss about it.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


family memberminjun is open to having siblings or even cousins when it comes to this pre-est. just keep in mind that the muse is 27 years old.
childhood best friendas the names suggests, minjun and the reader may be friends since they were kids and the connection was kept 'til present times.
co-workerbecause of minjun's freelancing, he met with the reader's muse- either as a manager, or a model, or even a fellow photographer, and they kept in touch with each other because of the great chemistry they had with each other.
best friends since high schoolboth the muse and the reader shared similar interests and were always paired up when it comes to groupings, which led to the two to become best friends who tell each other everything.
exeswhether they ended on good terms or because of misunderstanding, minjun still wishes to have a connection with the reader because of the friendship they had before the relationship.
enemies turned friendsthe reader or minjun may have had a misunderstanding in the past that led to them to be wary of each other. but once resolved, they actually clicked and become good friends. (if you have any other suggestions, please let the writer know!)
loversthis is self explanatory, but the writer would be happy if the reader wishes to expand on their backstory on how they met and how the chemistry goes on.
